August 28, 2008

5 Success Tips You Never Learn In School

Being an Internet business dreamer, we should never stop to soar high, dream and work for our success. Well guys, here's 5 Success Tips from Anita Campbell of Small Business Trends.

Quoted from Anita Campbell - Probably the most important success skills I’ve learned in business involve overcoming my own negative emotions and personality traits and habits. Call it learning “life skills for entrepreneurs.”
The 5 Tips she created I believe is driven from her own experience. Below are the 5 Tips we all have to take note of:

  1. Stop Being a Control Freak
  2. Build Incrementally
  3. Think About a Business Problem the Last Thing at Night
  4. Treat Your Computer Systems Like a Factory Production Line
  5. Pretend you Have an Accounting Department
So Internet business dreamers - for more detailed explanation of the key points mentioned above - read on 5 Success Tips You Never Learn In School article written by Anita. How we wish entrepreneurial tips are compulsory to the school's curriculum. But most of the time, lessons are best learn in experiences. So you'd better grab the chance to educate yourself with others' inspiring entrepreneurial journey and later on, learn from your own.

Till next time, have a great day to you all!

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